Escape Impossible: Revenge! Mod Unlock All High Quality
Once you get past the Orc, you will see Madanach sitting at a desk. He will direct some disparaging remarks at you regarding your predicament, and ask you what you want. Here, you can take one of two paths: take your revenge, or find your answers. If you seek revenge, you can kill Madanach here (or at any time) and then escape on your own. If you want a fair fight, you can tell him you plan to kill him; otherwise, just attack him. Attacking him will make all of the other prisoners hostile (except Grisvar), but as long as they are out of range, they will not rush in to join the fight. Search Madanach's body for a key and a note, then unlock the gate and exit the prison.
Escape Impossible: Revenge! Mod Unlock All
If Todd Williams is alive, he will catch Kara and confront them, calling some soldiers to alert them that they are androids as revenge for leaving with his "daughter". If Kara does not persuade Todd to let go of them by appealing about his past, Todd will reveal the trio are androids. If Todd is dead, the checkpoint guards can question the androids if they reach them. Luther will then die distracting the soldiers while Kara and Alice escape. 350c69d7ab