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Learn Physical Chemistry with Atkins and De Paula 10th Edition: Thermodynamics, Structure, and Change

Physical Chemistry By Atkins 10th Edition Torrent 138

Physical chemistry is one of the most fascinating and challenging branches of science, as it explores the fundamental principles that govern the behavior of matter at the molecular and atomic level. It also provides the foundation for understanding many aspects of chemistry, physics, biology, engineering, and materials science. If you are interested in learning more about physical chemistry, you may want to check out the book Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics, Structure, and Change by Peter Atkins and Julio De Paula. This book is widely regarded as one of the best textbooks on physical chemistry, as it covers all the essential topics in a clear, rigorous, and engaging way. In this article, we will review the main features of the 10th edition of this book, which was published in 2014. We will also show you how to download it for free using a torrent file.

Physical Chemistry By Atkins 10th Edition Torrent 138


What is physical chemistry?

Physical chemistry is the study of how matter behaves at the microscopic scale, and how it interacts with energy. It involves applying mathematical models and experimental methods to explain phenomena such as thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, kinetics, electrochemistry, and statistical mechanics. Physical chemistry also connects with other disciplines such as organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, biochemistry, and nanotechnology.

Who are Atkins and De Paula?

Peter Atkins is a British chemist and professor emeritus at the University of Oxford. He has written over 70 books on various topics in chemistry, including several popular science books. He is also known for his advocacy of atheism and humanism. Julio De Paula is a Brazilian-American chemist and professor at Lewis & Clark College. He has conducted research on laser spectroscopy, nanomaterials, and environmental chemistry. He has also co-authored several textbooks with Atkins.

Why is the 10th edition of their book important?

The 10th edition of Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics, Structure, and Change is the result of a thorough revision of content and presentation by Atkins and De Paula. They have updated the book with the latest developments in physical chemistry research and applications. They have also enhanced the book with additional learning features and maths support for students and instructors. The book is divided into three parts: Thermodynamics, Structure, and Change. Each part consists of several chapters that are further subdivided into short and focused topics. This new structure allows for more flexibility and customization in teaching and learning physical chemistry.

Main features of the book


The first part of the book covers thermodynamics, which is the study of energy transformations in physical systems. Thermodynamics deals with concepts such as temperature, heat, work, entropy, free energy, and chemical potential. It also explains how these concepts relate to phase transitions, chemical reactions, and equilibrium.

The first law

The first law of thermodynamics states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed, but only converted from one form to another. The book introduces the concept of internal energy, which is the total energy of a system. It also shows how to calculate the change in internal energy due to heat and work. The book also introduces the concept of enthalpy, which is the heat content of a system at constant pressure. It also shows how to use Hess's law and standard enthalpies of formation to calculate the enthalpy change of a reaction.

The second and third laws

The second law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of an isolated system always increases or remains constant. The book introduces the concept of entropy, which is a measure of disorder or randomness in a system. It also shows how to calculate the entropy change due to heat transfer, phase transitions, and chemical reactions. The book also introduces the concept of free energy, which is a measure of the useful work that can be extracted from a system. It also shows how to use the Gibbs and Helmholtz free energies to predict the spontaneity and equilibrium of a process. The third law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of a perfect crystal at absolute zero is zero. The book explains the significance and consequences of this law for thermodynamics.

Phase diagrams and chemical equilibrium

The book also covers phase diagrams, which are graphical representations of the phases and transitions of a substance under different conditions of temperature and pressure. It explains how to interpret and construct phase diagrams for pure substances and mixtures. It also covers chemical equilibrium, which is the state in which the rates of forward and reverse reactions are equal. It explains how to use the equilibrium constant and the reaction quotient to describe the extent and direction of a reaction. It also shows how to apply Le Chatelier's principle and the van't Hoff equation to predict the effect of changing conditions on equilibrium.


The second part of the book covers structure, which is the study of how matter is organized at the atomic and molecular level. Structure deals with concepts such as quantum theory, atomic and molecular orbitals, bonding, spectroscopy, and molecular assemblies.

Quantum theory

Quantum theory is the branch of physics that describes the behavior of matter and energy at the smallest scales. The book introduces the basic principles and postulates of quantum theory, such as wave-particle duality, uncertainty principle, Schrödinger equation, operators, eigenvalues, and eigenfunctions. It also shows how to apply these principles to simple systems such as particles in boxes, harmonic oscillators, rigid rotors, and hydrogen atoms.

Atomic and molecular structure

The book also covers atomic and molecular structure, which is the study of how electrons are arranged around nuclei in atoms and molecules. It explains how to use quantum theory to derive the electronic configurations and periodic properties of atoms. It also explains how to use molecular orbital theory and valence bond theory to describe the bonding and geometry of molecules. It also shows how to use hybridization, resonance, and molecular orbital diagrams to explain the structure and stability of various types of molecules.

Spectroscopy and molecular assemblies

The book also covers spectroscopy, which is the study of how matter interacts with electromagnetic radiation. It explains how to use spectroscopic techniques such as infrared (IR), ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), mass spectrometry (MS), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) to identify and characterize molecules based on their absorption, emission, or scattering of light. It also covers molecular assemblies, which are collections of molecules that are held together by non-covalent interactions such as hydrogen bonding, van der Waals forces, electrostatic forces, or metal-ligand coordination. It explains how these interactions affect the properties and functions of biological macromolecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates.


The third part of the book covers change, which is the study of how matter undergoes transformations over time. Change deals with concepts such as chemical kinetics, reaction dynamics, molecular collisions, surface structure, and processes.

Chemical kinetics

Chemical kinetics is the study of the rates and mechanisms of chemical reactions. The book introduces the concept of reaction rate, which is the change in concentration or amount of reactants or products per unit time. It also shows how to use rate laws and integrated rate equations to express and calculate reaction rates based on experimental data. It also shows how to use half 71b2f0854b


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